
Wednesday, 9 December 2015

Movie Time With Sylvia no.2


Hi everyone sorry I haven't been posting lately but I have a new video here that Meana, Athens and I created.
Hope you enjoy.

Tuesday, 1 December 2015

Reflecting on Our Comic's

Today I was working on my comic evaluation. We had to go on the class site to find the doc and then we to work on it to finish it.

Friday, 27 November 2015

Experiment on Snagit

Today we had to reflect on snagit experiment with our buddies.

Thursday, 26 November 2015

Achieving is always Great

On Tuesday the 24th of November from 1:30-4:30 parents came in to see the children learn more about cybersmart and how they are able to be a cybersmart in order to take our Chromebooks home. It's time to take our Chromebooks for two times week under the circumstances that we must bring it back and we have to be sensible while using it at home. Our teacher Miss Ginders thought it might be time to take our Chromebooks because room 9 has shown her some responsibility and in order show her that we are, we had to make a Wevideo about how it feels to be learning on a digital learning object and so we really had chance to take our Chromebooks home.

I  Never Dreamed about Success,
 I Worked for it

-Estee Lauder 

Tuesday, 24 November 2015

Farewell Jonah Lomu

R.I.P Jonah Lomu

On the 18th of November Jonah Lomu had past away to a better place. We will always remember him as a brother, a son, a husband, a role model,a father and a legend. He will always be in our hearts he has managed to make history and survive his kidney problems at the  same time. He so inspiring to kids and adults he help them to keep on trying and never give up.

Don't Be a Bully

Hi everyone over here I have a comic that Jack, James and I created together. We had to get into our groups and make a comic based on what happens often at school, so we chose bullying.

Saturday, 21 November 2015

Horay For Manaiakalani

Manaiakalani Film Festival 2015

On Wednesday the 11th of November the senior block, some Y4  students and I went to the Manaiakalani film festival 2015.  We were in session 4 so that meant that we were going with Point England school. This year was very special to us because  it was the first year that room 9 and room 10 had created a short film

for the Manaiakalani film festival so that meant two people  had to present our film so Meana and I were lucky enough to accept the job of being rooms first ever presenters. When I received the news I so excited. When hopped in the bus It was a bit noisy but I got used to it a few minutes later. When we got to Sylvia Park we started walking to the Hoyts cinemas. As Meana and I were making our way down to our seats we saw some preseters and decided to talk them a bit. After it was time to sit back, relax and enjoy.

Friday, 20 November 2015

Our Everyday Learning

Hi everyone I have another Snagit for everyone to watch hope you enjoy the video I made.

Wednesday, 18 November 2015

Welcome To Our First Ever Snagit!

Hi guys and girl's I'm back with my fourth video. Me and Jessie from room 10 created a snagit to show which film we liked the best and why.

Tuesday, 17 November 2015

Right Time Right Place

    On Thursday the 12th of November room and I had to do a review on one of the movies that I have seen at the maniakalani film festival.

Wednesday, 11 November 2015

Reporting live from the 2015 RWC

Reporting live from the 2015 RWC

Reporter:Reporting live from the rugby world cup the amazing  game has just finished with the All blacks just winning with the score of 34. Over here we  have Richie Mccaw,  How do you feel winning the game again,  Richie: well I just want to thank all my teammates for participating with me but I feel so proud you know it is just not about winning it’s about representing my country, my family and my people. Reporter: Well  say Richie let’s head over here to Dan Carter,Dan how do you being nominated for man of the tournament. Dan: well it is a privilege to be nominated but I feel very grateful and I am so proud to be in a team like this because they are also like my family. Reporter: wonderful dan, a boy has just got tackled from a security guard and very generous SBW has just given him his gold medal, you are very a generous man  how do you feel  just giving away your giving away your gold medal. SBW:well i felt really sorry for him so picked and took him back and as I was walking back with him he picked up my medal so I just gave it him. Reporter: What a generous man he is,  well it’s time’s up for us but make sure you stay tuned for some more  sports news.

For The All Blacks

Late last term Room 9 and I were working on a presentation about the RWC 2015.
We had to do some tasks that we co-constructed together and then we got to decide the amount that we had to do. 

Tuesday, 10 November 2015

Almost There

Hi guys and girls it's me again back with my third video. This video includes what I have learnt to do throughout the year, we had to learn how to make a WeVideo in order to take our Chromebooks home.

Friday, 6 November 2015

More Goals, More Concentration

For this years goal we had to stick to one goal only. My goal includes cybersmart learning and general learning. 

Thursday, 22 October 2015

Term 3 Speeches

Here is my speech finals video hope you enjoy my speech. ( mind my facial ).

Wednesday, 21 October 2015

Maths with Sylvia

Here is my maths video. My maths group and I had to do our own word problem and and then make a video of us explaining it . Hope you enjoy.

Friday, 18 September 2015

Fun Experiments

Cloud and    

Yesterday we were doing an experiment with shaving foam, food colouring and water. We had plastic cups and we filled it up  a bit to the top then we got our pretend cloud (shaving foam) and sprayed it on the top of the air (water). Then we got our pretend rain (food colouring) and squirted it on top of the cloud. 2 min later the clouds were full of liquid and it started to rain.

Friday, 11 September 2015

Thank You Myron!

 Myron Simpson

This week we had a  visitor come in for the Duffy role model assembly. He is a cyclist that represents N.Z. He went to the Mexico cycling competition and won silver. He came in with his cycling equipment and some lucky people got to try them out. Myron owns his own muesli company but he is still learning so it is still developing, but you buy it online (

Thank You Myron Simpson!

Tuesday, 8 September 2015

What's Similar or not similar

Over here we had to choose two blogs, to compare and contrast what they had similar or not similar on their blogs by using a venn diagram.

Thursday, 3 September 2015

Storytime with Sylvia

Hey Guy's and Girls here is a link  to my video inspired by storyline online. I hope you enjoy and stay tuned for my next video.  Storytime with Sylvia

Thursday, 27 August 2015

Sylvia's Funny and Classic Stories

This is my revised and edited writing that I've done. We have been working on narratives for reading and writing.

Thursday, 20 August 2015

You Can do This


This week we have been practicing running around the streets for cross-country. It has been tiring and fun at the same time, for the last three days  we have been  running around the streets 2-3 laps. The people who are always in front could do 3 laps, if we didn't want to then we could just do 2 laps. When it comes to the final cross-country, then we have to do 3 laps around the streets. Here is a collage of room nine running.

Wednesday, 12 August 2015

Make it Click

Ronald           McDonald
On the 11th of August years 1-6 went to the multi purpose room for the Ronald McDonald show. There were special guests like Mika from room 12 and Kate Ronald McDonald’s friend. He lost his sock while he was hanging his washing so he decided to look for it on the way to our school and on the we sang make it click and stop look and listen.

Tuesday, 4 August 2015

Friday, 31 July 2015

My Punctuation Most Wanted.

Here is my punctuation's most wanted poster. Our teacher Miss Ginders gave us  punctuation and I got given the Ampersand also known as and. I never knew it was called the Ampersand but now I do.

My Term 3 Goals

These are my term 3 goals that I am working to complete.

Wednesday, 22 July 2015

Data Detcetives

Here is my data detectives. We had to take a survey on rooms 1&3. I wanted to
find out how much people  liked these different kinds of fruit . After that I created
a presentation to show what I've learnt and what I thought about it.

Saturday, 18 July 2015

Rainforest Facts

 Over here we had to do different tasks about the rainforest and so here is the amount of tasks that I have done.

Monday, 8 June 2015

Hydro logic-cycle

Screenshot 2015-06-08 at 12.22.50 PM.png                      How a hydro logic-cycle Works
Water comes from the reservoir which is the place where we get water, it is also found in the ocean, lakes and rivers. The sun evaporates the water. Then the water turns into a type of gas called vapor. Then It becomes little droplets and then the droplets forms into a cloud. Then the hydro logic-cycle starts all over again by raining.
        And that's how a Hydro logic-cycle work

Reservoir= The place where our water comes from.
Hydro logic-cycle= Another word for water-cycle.
Evaporate= Turn from liquid into vapor.
Droplets= A very small bit of liquid.

Tuesday, 2 June 2015

Keeping My Password Secure

W.A.L.T  create  strong passwords and make sure our Google account is secure.
How to make a strong password
1. Make sure your in a top secret place to start making a password.
2. Find your favorite quote, song lyric and take the first letter and join it to together.
3. To make it more secure you can put upper case letters and numbers.
4. When you are done making your password make sure it's nice and secure make sure nobody
    see your password even your parents or loved ones.

Thursday, 28 May 2015


This is my Top Tip a Top Tip shows you about cool Tips and shortcuts .
My Top Tip is a right-click if don't know how to right-click then this is the 
Top Tip for you.

Tuesday, 26 May 2015

Miss you all

Dear Mum

I hope we meet again it’s been hard to live here and it’s very hard to get food here but I hope you are doing good. How is dad doing? Is he still staying healthy? .I miss you all. How are the girls I heard that Lily just got a degree in school. Tell her I said keep it up but tell them that I love them and I miss them so badly.
I’ve  been shaking for past few days because I've been seeing stuff, you won’t believe what I’ve been seeing but lets not get into that let's talk about happy stuff. Hopefully I’ll see you guys again.

From Mike

Tuesday, 19 May 2015

Cool stuff that I've been creating

Screenshot 2015-05-14 at 12.16.44 PM.pngMalo lelei, talofa lava
Hi my name is Sylvia, I am 10 years old and my nationality is Tongan. I like to dance and do active stuff. My goal is to make it to the top in my learning. I am a year 6 and my favourite subject at school is maths (sometimes). I like hanging out with my friends and family. I hope you enjoy my blog and check out the cool stuff that I've been creating .